2014 Fall Newsletter

All-Ways Fishing
Fall news letter
September is a month that offers many varieties of ocean fishing. You can fish for salmon, and/or bottom fish, and tuna.
The salmon fishing is very good, limits are not a problem. We are catching a lot of silvers as well as a few kings. As of Sept. 1st we can retain the big, wild, butt kicking silvers. It has been many years since we have been allowed to retain these fish on the ocean. We can keep the native silvers until Sept. 21st.
Bottom fishing is a great time for all. Catching sea bass and a few ling cod on light gear is always a blast. Sometimes we have to search around for a good school of fish but when we land on them, I get a work out. Starting Oct. 1st the 20 fathom restriction is no longer in affect. This means we can go out to the rock pile for ling cod. This will last through Oct. 18th.
Tuna fishing has been awesome all summer. With the warmer water came a slew of Albacore. This is the most fun you can have fishing.
Now is the time to book for the fall salmon in the rivers. I will start fishing the rivers the second week of Oct. This year is looking great with what we have been seeing on the ocean. The fresh water salmon fishing lasts through November.
I am available most evenings after 6, but if not be sure to leave a message and I will return your call ASAP or send an e-mail with your request or questions.
Thank You.
Randy Lato